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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Monkey See, Monkey Do

January 29, 2017
Stetson Memorial UMC
Sermon Series:
 “Becoming You…”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“Who Are You?” Sermon Series
Psalm 15 NIV
Micah 6:6-8 NIV
Matthew 5:1-12 NIV

“Monkey See…Monkey Do…”

Prayer that God’s Word is heard through me or in-spite of me…

Please stand for the reading of the Gospel St. Matthew, chapter 5, verses 1 through 12. Listen to the Word of God, His Love Letter to His beloved, you and I…Read Matthew from the NIV Bible.

How many of you learn by seeing? I know that if I want to learn something…if someone wants to teach me something…I learn better if they show me how to do it so that I can follow their example. For me, it is difficult sometimes to visualize what someone is talking about. The way I envision it may be completely different then their intention. So, the best way is for someone to show me how to do something…

The monkeys in the zoo show us that visual effect on others. When someone is standing in front of their enclosure they can make gestures…do things so to speak…and the monkey copies them. They don’t care what the gesture is…they see it and they mimic it…that whole monkey see, monkey do thing.

We as Christians have the esteemed job description as Christ’s Ambassadors to the world. We are called to be the image of Jesus in the world. There are many out there that are watching us…looking for that good example. But at times, we fall short of that example and instead of leading people to Jesus…we chase them away. What does God want us to be…to show the world? Are we really supposed to be that visual for the world around us? If so, what does is that visual supposed to be…what would that look like…?

God’s promises and truths, can be very hard to understand if we don’t realize who we are in Christ Jesus. Who are we really…how does God equip us…what are we supposed to do…? We have begun to look at who we are in Christ…we have begun a deep journey into these questions and more. I truly believe that we all want to become the “you” God wants us to be. Let’s see what transformation happens as we become who God says we are and not who the world thinks we are. 

On our journey, we have discovered one fact…you and I are God’s beloved. You and I are cherished, favored, and loved by God. Even in this world of rejection and exclusiveness, there is One who never reject us…flaws and all…no matter how far we may fall. We have gone to the river with Jesus and remembered our baptism and the promise found there. We are striving to live that life of acceptance and grace so that we can extend that same grace to others.

We talked about the different names that we go by, how we are identified.
We are the beloved of God…if we choose to accept and believe… We also are honored by bearing Jesus Christ’s name when we call ourselves “Christ”ians…what a thought that is… We are called by God to an extraordinary purpose that only you or I can fulfill. We need to find that purpose…that niche…as we pray God’s kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven…

And so…as we find our niche, our purpose, and fulfill it, we are setting an example for others… Yes, you and I are an important “visual” example of the love we have for God on the inside. We matter in the lives of others…whether we choose to believe it or not. When we say yes to God…we also say yes to His calling us to live in a more excellent way to show others the love and mercy of God.

The scriptures that I have read this morning are all about how to be a shining example…those Monkey’s others see and go and do likewise. Let’s look at the Psalm from this morning…Psalm 15.
1.  who may dwell in your sacred tent?
  Who may live on your holy mountain?
When we “walk blameless” we and do what is right we become those people that set a good example. When we speak the truth in love and “watch our words” to and about others, we become a shining example of God’s love. When we act justly to and for others…the monkeys that are watching will want to be like the monkeys that are doing. They now know what it looks like so now they too can be the same way…they have had their example and now it is a choice to do or not to do on their part.
In the Matthew I read this morning, we hear all about what it looks like to be whom God wants us to be. Other than just plain coping…being that monkey for Jesus, this is the piece of scripture that I try to let direct my actions. It is who we are supposed to be all in one place. This is like a job description of what it would look like if we were “totally sold out for Jesus” in our lives…
We are setting a good example when:
(Speak from the Spirit)
1.  We are poor in Spirit: What does it mean when we are poor in spirit? We are not haughty. We don’t think too highly of ourselves…
2.  When we mourn: What is it to mourn? When we trust God with our life and the lives of those near and dear to us…
3.  We are meek: Revisit 1.
4.  We thirst and hunger for righteousness: We look after others. We decide that others are above us and not below us. We fight for others freedoms.
5.  We are merciful: We show others the mercy we have been given.
6.  We are pure in heart: What is it like in your heart? Is it pure or defiled with anger and conceit…is it…fill in the blank)?
7.  WE are persecuted: How do we react when persecuted?
8.  We are peacemakers: This is pretty self-explanatory…
9.  We are insulted: This is a hard one?
Micah 6 asks us this question… what does the Lord require of you? Read Micah 6:6-8…Speak from the Spirit

Who are you? What kind of example are you giving those who are looking to see what you do so they can do it too? A shining example or one clouded by the world around you? What is the Lord requiring you to do? Are you willing to become the you that God wants you to be? We are called to be the mirror image of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. How are we doing with that? How are you and I showing by example and what example are we showing a world that loves to copy the latest and greatest trend? Are we being a new trend or are we showing them and ancient way…a more excellent way…to help ourselves and others find the way to Abba’s heart? What is the Lord requiring of you and I?.


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