Sheep in pasture

Sheep in pasture
Feed My Sheep, Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

In The Business

November 27, 2016

Stetson Memorial UMC

1st Sunday of Advent

“A Sacred Moment”

Sermon Series

Psalm 130

Matthew 3:1-12 MSG

Romans 13:11-12 NIV

“In The Business...”

A prayer of illumination so that God will speak through me or in-spite of me…

I would ask that you would stand as you are able for the reading of the Gospel according to Matthew. We will be reading chapter 3, verses 1-12. Listen to the word of God for His people…you and I… (Read the gospel from the Message translation)

Good morning. I can’t believe that next week is December. Where has the year gone? It seems that I have been so busy with life that time has just slipped away. Now here we are at the end and not quite sure how I got here. There have been so many things to do and see that I think that I feel as if I need a vacation from life. I need a time to just slow down and take a breath. But this is not the right time to be doing that either.

We have begun the Christmas season which I am the business. Even society is ramping up on the business. Last Friday was Black Friday…the busiest shopping day of the year. In fact, it is so busy that many places have started their Holiday season on Thanksgiving Thursday…even before the turkey is cold…

We, as people, as Christians need to find a way to slow down, otherwise we are going to miss the best part of this season of giving. We are going to miss the best gift that we could ever receive. The gift of God’s own Son in the form of a baby on a cold and silent night. As we slow down, we will see the sacredness all around us.

Today we begin the season of Advent in the church calendar. It is the season we expectantly await the celebration of His birth and wait expectantly for his return. The Christmas season is a time where the sacredness of it all gets drowned out by the secular business. The word sacred itself means set apart and holy. The sacredness of something is revered and respected but this time of reverence and awe seems to get lost in the lights and glamor. In order to see…to feel…to touch the sacred, we need to slow down our pace and just be for the moment…lest we miss the awe and wonder of the manger.

This Advent season we are going to do just that. We are going to slow down…even if for but a moment…to see what might be missed in the hustle and bustle of the season. I would invite us…you and I…on a spiritual journey to see all things through the kaleidoscope…the display of beauty within the sacred space of Advent…

©     Sacred Time

©     Sacred People

©     Sacred Space

©     Sacred Knowing

©     Sacred Being

©     Sacred Doing

I would ask that we would stop for a moment and just breath in the sacredness of the space we are in right now…this sanctuary where God shows up to meet us each Sunday…By the way…in order to really enter into the Sacredness of Advent…we need to do it more than just on Sunday’s so I would ask that each of us spend some time each day…even just five minutes and focus on…meditate upon the Sacredness we talk about each week… Let each build upon each other until we embrace genuine purpose within this sacred moment…

So, Advent is a sacred time. John the Baptist spoke about time. The time of heaven intersecting the time of the then and now. The time had come for a heart and life change. The time had come…and continue today…to prepare the way of the Lord. We are that thunder in the desert. We are that message of sacredness. We are the voice calling out in the desert “make way for the kingdom of God…it is right before us…do you not perceive it?”

We, at times, let the busy-ness of the holiday season overrun the sense of sacred. In fact, setting apart time for God…for the real reason for the season…God incarnate…gets set aside to create trappings of the holiday in which we celebrate the Holy.

We are given the gift of now from God. Within this gift of now…this sacred time of now…is given to God…to family…to friends…and those who need help. Within the sacred time, we are the gift given to others in which God can be seen within the mask that we, as society, have created to hide what is sacred beneath the “sensationalism” of the season.

The Word became flesh and lived among us…that is the message of the season. Speak through the Spirit of this one truth. How are you going to spend this “holiday season”? Are you and I going for the superficial…or is there something more…is there a better way? I challenge you and I to take a road far different than the highway that leads to the Bethlehem Stable. I challenge you and I to slow ourselves down and sit within the Sacredness of the manger.

 “11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Romans 13:11-12 NIV)


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Thanks Giving

November 20, 2016
Stetson Memorial UMC
Christ the King Sunday
Psalm 100
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Luke 1:68-79

“A Thanks-Giving”

A prayer of illumination so that God will speak through me or in-spite of me…

I would ask that you would stand as you are able for the reading of the Gospel according to Luke. We will be reading Luke 1 verses 68-79. Listen to the word of God for His people…you and I…(Read the gospel from the NIV  Bible translation)

What are you thankful for? This is a question that we usually ask this time of year as we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. So…what are you thankful for? (Give people a chance to answer) It’s seems as the business world…the secular world…kind of just jumps right over this holiday and right into the next one… Well the next one is the one that they make most of their money…Christmas. I don’t know about you but it kind of bugs me that they jump right into Christmas even before Halloween…I think they should be celebrating Thanksgiving because they should give thanks for our giving…

What are we thankful for? I love the fact that today is Christ the King Sunday in the Church calendar and the next Sunday is the beginning of Advent. Thanksgiving is sandwiched right in the middle. We truly have much to be thankful for. We truly can thank God for giving….

In ancient times, the people were looking for a messiah. Merriam Webster tells us that a messiah is:
a person who is expected to save people from a very bad situation
Many saw the king as the messiah, They wanted their king to save them from the tyranny of their oppressor. They wanted to be set free from the enemy. But God knew what they really needed to be set free. The people were looking for a small “m” messiah but God knew they needed the big “M” type of a messiah…
the Messiah Judaism : a king who will be sent by God to save the Jews
Christianity : Jesus Christ

From the Luke passage this morning we can see some of the attributes of God’s Messiah
1.  salvation for us, salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us—
2.  to show mercy, to enable us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.
3.  to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.”
Christ truly is the King…the Messiah…of world.

What are we thankful for? As I read the Psalm that was chosen for this morning I could not help but feel thankful. I had many images came to mind. Images of God opening the gate for us through which we can enter in…that gate being our Risen Lord Jesus Christ…for He is the gate of the Lord through which all must enter in to be saved. The image of being a sheep and having God watch over me, ever so lovingly, as I grazed in the grass of His Word, resting by the Living water He offers us. This is just a couple of images that came to mind. There are many images in this scripture and I challenge you to read these words and contemplate the season that we will be entering next Sunday…the season of Advent.

We have so much to be thankful for. We can be thankful to God for all that He has done…is doing…and will do in the future in our lives. We can be thankful to the saints that have gone before us who have showed us the way to live. We can be thankful of their gift of faith that they shared in a world full of chaos and hopelessness. And we can show our thankfulness by taking their example in life and live it out in our own.

The prophet Jeremiah had much to say…many people didn’t like what he said but there are those times when people need to hear the truth… There is one truth that I rely on…it is about God and His Messiah…His Savior of the with world (all beginning a capital letter).Jeremiah 23:1-6 states:
The Righteous Branch
23 “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declares the LORD. 2 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: “Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done,” declares the LORD. 3 “I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number.4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the LORD.
5 “The days are coming,” declares the LORD,
    “when I will raise up for David[a] a righteous Branch,
a King who will reign wisely
    and do what is just and right in the land.
6 In his days Judah will be saved
    and Israel will live in safety.
This is the name by which he will be called:
    The LORD Our Righteous Savior.
And His Name shall be called “The Lord Our Righteous Savior”. It is in and through God’s Savior…not mankind’s savior/messiah…that we are saved and made righteous…not by our filthy rags we try to be righteous with but His Righteousness.

We have a lot to be thankful for. What are you thankful for? Let us put God at the head of our “Thanks Giving” table as we give thanks for His goodness and mercy found in and through our Risen Lord, the Savoir of the world, Jesus Christ. We truly have much to be thankful for. Why are you thankful for are you more thankful for the “giving” or the “receiving” of this Holiday of thanks…


Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Whole New World

November 13, 2016
Stetson Memorial UMC
After Trump Election
Psalm 29
Luke 21:5-19
Isaiah 65:17-25
Malachi 4:1-2

“A Whole New World…”

Prayer for God’s illumination and for His word to be heard through me or in-spite of me…

Please stand, as you are able, for the reading of the Gospel Reading. I am reading from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 21, verses 5-19. Listen to the word of God…the comfort of and from God…for you and me, His people…the sheep of His keeping…

v In Wellsville, New York, a baseball dugout was vandalized with a swastika and the words “Make America White Again.”
v Nazi graffiti was also found painted on a building in South Philadelphia along with the words “Sieg Heil” and “Trump” with the T-replaced by a swastika.
v In Rochester, New York, two rainbow flags were burned.

We live in a world that has truly gotten out of control. It seems as if everything is just blowing up all at once.

v At San Diego State University, a female student wearing a hijab was robbed the day after the election by two men “who made comments about President-Elect Trump and the Muslim community,”
v At San Jose State University, a female student was attacked from behind by an assailant who grabbed her hijab, choking her and causing her to fall, police said.

There have been over 200 hate crimes since the United States elected Donald Trump as our next president on Tuesday evening.

v A woman wearing a hijab near the University of Michigan was forced to remove her headscarf Friday night after a man approached her and threatened to set her on fire, according to the university’s crime report.
v these incidents of harassment and intimidation have been most prevalent at K-12 schools, according to the SPLC findings. Middle school students in a suburb of Detroit were caught on camera chanting “build the wall” during lunchtime the day after the election. At a high school in Maple Grove, Minnesota, a bathroom stall door was found defaced with the words “White America,” “Whites only” and other racial slurs

Our future…our next generation has joined in on the depravity of humanity…We are talking about young girls and boys re hating each other. Hate is a learned behavior…who are they learning it from…? These incidents come amid massive protests against Trump and divisive rhetoric protesters say was espoused by his campaign.

The Christian community claims we are in the last days. What do you think? The Luke scripture I just read speaks of “a time such as this.” There are times when all seems lost and anarchy seems to be the temperament of the world in which we live. It is a fearful time for many and for others…who are caught up in the chaos…it is a time that they have longed for. A time that everything gets set back to how it was in the “good old days”. It is a fearful time because we know what happened last time there was such hate in the world and we don’t want to see it happen again. History truly does repeat itself…especially when we didn’t learn the first time…They are claiming that the hate crimes are worse than the time of 911…

v A pupil at Shasta High School in Redding, California, handed out ‘deportation letters’ to non-white students, just one day after Trump was announced president-elect.
v ‘Black lives don’t matter and neither does your vote’, reads the graffiti scrawled on two walls in Durham, North Carolina.
v Pupils at one high school were reportedly shouting ‘Sieg Heil’ and doing Nazi salutes, as well as calling black children ‘cotton pickers’ – among a slew of other racist attacks.
When I write sermon’s, I like to bring what is going on in the world to the forefront… How would you feel if this was slipped under the door of your home…?
v ‘Attention!!!!’ the flyer, which is written in all caps, begins. ‘All n*****s and sp*cs have one week to vacate this building!!! ‘This is now a Trump friendly building! The people of America have spoken. The time has come for good decent white people to take back our streets from thugs and illegals!
‘We know who you are and where you live. If you are not out in one week, we will put you out! Immigration will now begin doing their job! Police will have the power to reclaim our violent streets from black thugs. ‘You have been warned! Proud American voter! Trump 2016’
How much deeper are we going to sink? Didn’t even have the guts to sign with their own name…only the description of what he had done…vote

Perhaps, we as Christ followers…you know Christians…should be even more serious about the Great Commission. OK…what is the commission? Give time to answer… And what does it mean to and for you and I? Again, time to answer… The signs of the times are right there in front of us. What are you and I going to do?

‘This is now a Trump friendly building! The people of America have spoken. The time has come for good decent white people to take back our streets from thugs and illegals! ‘We know who you are and where you live. If you are not out in one week, we will put you out! Immigration will now begin doing their job! Police will have the power to reclaim our violent streets from black thugs.

Maybe if we believed in the promises of God we would be more emboldened. We know the time and we will have difficulties as we stand up for what Jesus did and would do…
12 “But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. 13 And so you will bear testimony to me. 14 But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. 15 For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. 17 Everyone will hate you because of me. 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 Stand firm, and you will win life.

So, what are the promises? What is the next chapter? What do we have to look forward too? Let me read a couple of my favorite descriptions of what it will be like when the old era (human time) is ushered out and the new era has come (God time).
Isaiah 65:17-25New International Version (NIV)

New Heavens and a New Earth
17 “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.
19 I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more.
20 “Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years;
the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child;
the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.
21 They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22 No longer will they build houses and others live in them,
    or plant and others eat.
For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands.
23 They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.
24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.
25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food.
They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the Lord.

Everything will be made new…made how God created it to be in the beginning…it all started in a garden and it will end in a garden. God truly is the master gardener… And
Malachi 4:1-2New International Version (NIV)

Judgment and Covenant Renewal
4 “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.

We are going to frolic…
We should be shouting for joy from the roof tops…we are going to dance and frolic for joy and for the love we feel or our God. All this evil will be gone… But in the meantime, …we have a job to do and it is not going to be easy. But that doesn’t negate the commission. Perhaps if we would begin to get excited about the fact our God will have the last word. Perhaps if we truly believe His promises to us. Maybe, just maybe, we would be too busy doing God’s work to fear. Perhaps if we believed and rejoiced others would be attracted to our joyful life and want it for themselves. Heaven is not full yet and we need to make it our job…no our choice to fill it with our neighbors, our friends our family…heck the stranger on the street. God doesn’t want anyone to perish. How would you feel if someone perished because of your complacency…because of my complacency…because of our inactivity? The time is set…we are here, you and I, for a time such as this. We know the end of the story…we know who is going to win… Now how about sharing that with others…because on that day…we will sing as Isaiah did in chapter 12:
Isaiah 12New International Version (NIV)

Songs of Praise
12 In that day you will say:

“I will praise you, Lord.
    Although you were angry with me,
your anger has turned away
    and you have comforted me.
2 Surely God is my salvation;
    I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense[a];
    he has become my salvation.”
3 With joy you will draw water
    from the wells of salvation.

4 In that day you will say:

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
    make known among the nations what he has done,
    and proclaim that his name is exalted.
5 Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things;
    let this be known to all the world.
6 Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion,
    for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.”


Thursday, November 10, 2016

“The Making of a Saint”

November 6, 2016
Stetson Memorial UMC
All Saints Day
Psalm 8
Luke 6:17-34 MSG
Matthew 25:34-40 MSG

Prayer for God’s illumination and for His word to be heard through me or in-spite of me…

Please stand, as you are able, for the reading of the Gospel Reading. I am reading from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 6, verses 17-34. Listen to the word of God for you and me, His people…

: a person who is officially recognized by the Christian church as being very holy because of the way he or she lived
: a person who is very good, kind, or patient
Today…in the Christian Church we are celebrating “All Saint Sunday”. It is a day that we celebrate those saints among us and those who have gone before us. Now let me give you a little history about All Saint Day.
“It is when the Catholic Church and some Protestant churches commemorate every saint, known and unknown. The concept of All Saints Day is connected to the doctrine of The Communion of Saints. This is the concept that all of God's people, on heaven, earth, and in the state of purification (called Purgatory in the West), are spiritually connected and united. In other words, Catholic and Orthodox Christians (and some Protestants) believe that the saints of God are just as alive as you and I, and are constantly interceding on our behalf. Remember, our connection with the saints in heaven is one grounded in a tight-knit communion. The saints are not divine, nor omnipresent or omniscient. However, because of our common communion with and through Jesus Christ, our prayers are joined with the heavenly community of Christians.

I like the thought of our prayers are joined with the “Heavenly Community of Christians”. WE are all connected in life and in death. We are all one family that will meet on day in the sky. But what makes a Saint? What criteria do we use in deciding that someone is a saint or not? I think that some of the answer is found in the Luke scripture I just read.

Ø I think that the people who are considered saints seem to embody the “blessedness” in this scripture. No matter what they go through, they seem to trust God always and accept what they are going through. I think the main thing here is that they trust God. They may question what is going on but in the end, they say “thy will be done.”
Ø It seems as if when things come up against them…when people are trying to bring them down…when people try to assonate their character or what they are called to do, they have that uncanny knack to be able to say “Well obviously I am doing something right.” They view this from heavens eyes…not worldly eyes. No one wants to look bad, no one wants to have someone tell them they are doing something wrong or have someone else show them up. Just as the Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus’ day, when someone makes certain people look bad…they do all they can do to stop them. They may not crucify them as they did Jesus but they try to kill them in many other ways…
Ø They are some of the humblest people you would want to meet. They are down to earth and don’t get themselves all puffed up about themselves. As a matter of fact, usually when you complement them, they blush and hang their head. They will tell you it is not them but God…they will not take any credit for themselves but gives credit elsewhere…
Ø They act completely the opposite from what the world acts. Instead of getting back at people they do the opposite. They are kind and loving to their accusers. They are not in some popularity contest with people and they don’t try to please everyone around them. They don’t compromise their ethics for anyone.
Ø They love because they can. They don’t play favorites and love even the “un-lovable’s” around them. They not only hang out with other saints but also with those who are “unsaintly” perhaps their saintliness will spur others to want to live the same life…not that they would hold that over others…
So, these are just a few things that make a saint. I know plenty of people who have gone ahead as well as are still here that embody that whole sainthood thing.

Why would anyone even try to be a saint. In the world we live in…being a saint gets you nowhere. Trying to do the right thing gets you kicked right in the pats a lot of times. Why would we even want to look out for others…treat them as if they are special? Well the answer is…they are special. They are special and sacred to God so it should be with those who carry Christ’s name…who embody sainthood and so much more for He was God incarnate…Christians…Christ followers.

In the past few weeks, one scripture kept coming up…one theme kept creeping in…Matthew 25:34-40:
Read Scripture
I think God is trying to tells us something. I believe there is a message here that God is tryng to get across. Are we…I am not talking about we as Christ followers in general…I am talking about you and I…are we missing the boat somehow? Are you and I ignoring a nudge that God is trying to give us? Are we judging others…thinking they are not worth…fill in the blank? Are we allowing prejudices to become part of how we live and look at others? I don’t know about you but I have been taking a good look at my life and see places where growth is needed. How about you? How is it with YOUR soul? When we bring those attitudes to the cross of our Risen Lord Jesus and leave them there…we can come away newly created and ready to be those saints that leave a legacy behind us. So, what are you going to do now? Choice is yours to make. Are you willing to say “search me Lord and see if there is any wicked way within me and create in me a clean heart.”?


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Right Here...Right Now...

October 30, 2016
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
The Body of Christ…?
“Start Living Right Now”
Psalm 148
Matthew 7:21-23; Mark 1:14-20
2 Corinthians 5:11-15; 2 Corinthians 6:1-2
Acts 17:24-28

Right Here…Right Now…

Prayer of adoration and for God’s illumination so that His Word would be heard through me or in spite of me…

I would ask you to stand, as you are able, for the Gospel reading from the Gospel of Matthew, verses 21-23. Listen to the Word of God…His Love Letter…to and for you and me…His beloved children…

Comfort zone…what comes to mind when I use the words “comfort zone”? Why do you think we create comfort zones for ourselves? Are you willing to step out of our comfort zone? I know for me it is hard to step out of my comfort zone. I like my comfort zone. It is a place where I feel safe and don’t have to worry about failing. As we stay in our comfort zone, we know how far we can go…it’s much more sensible for us to stay there if we are going to serve God. Right?

When God called me to ministry I had this fear of public speaking. Every time I had to do it I would stumble and stutter through whatever it was I had to read. There was no way I was going to be able to speak in front of a congregation every week let alone shepherd one. Now here is God calling me out of my comfort zone. What was I to do? I had said that I would do whatever God called me to do when I rededicated my life to God. I never realized how much I would have to step out in faith…

Now remember, as I said last week, as we think about…as we ponder this question or these questions…we remember that God loves you and I so much that He thinks we are to die for… As a matter of fact…that is exactly what He did…die for sinners like us…He who knew no sin took our sin upon Himself… are we willing to begin living in the right here and now? Are we going to trust God…like we proclaim…with our lives? Is it time to get out of the boat and get rid of our safety water wings and walk upon the waters of this world?

We have been trying to define…trying to open our view of…the body of Christ? We have defined it as family. But how we do you and I define “family?” But we don’t even come close to how God would define it. We are not the ones who define family…the Creator of our diversely awesome family is the One who defines it…remember “Ohana means family and family means no one is left out or left behind.”  We have come to the realization that to become community in the world…to continue to be relevant we, as Christ’s followers, need to wake up. Wake from our slumber…wake from our complacency…wake from our numbness and see the world and people around us who are looking for someone to reach out in love, hope and compassion. We need to decide what is most important in our lives as Christ followers. And we need to do this together…as one family…one body of Christ. We are called to love one another. We are called to “look into” the eyes of those in need and help fill that need. We are called to be the hands, feet and voice in the world. Our hearts must be broken not so much for us and our agenda but for what breaks His heart…for His agenda…

So here we are at the end of ourselves. We have been talking about many things and have pondered much. But one thing has remained the same through it all…there was one question that was asked and only we can answer that question. What are you going to do?

In the Mark scripture this morning the men that Jesus spoke to all had the same question posed to them. They were asked by Jesus to follow Him…to become fishers of men. And in every invitation, the answer was the same…YES. Yes, I will change my life. Yes, I will leave everything and follow you. Yes, I will trust You with all that I have and am. Yes, I know that You will supply all since You are asking me to leave my profession. Jesus is still asking you and me the same question…will you follow me? Are you willing to follow me right here…right now…?

God is calling us right here…right now… “6 As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. 2 For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation”. (2 Corinthians 6:1-2) When we gave our lives to Christ it no longer was and is our own. We were bought at a very High price…God’s own Son. So, we who believe are not our own.  11 Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. 12 We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. 13 If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (2 Corinthians 5:11-15)

We are called to be light for the world that lives in darkness…we are called to be the body of Christ…we are called to be fishers of men. Now I don’t do much fishing…OK I don’t fish…but when you go fishing do you go to places where everyone else goes or do you go to your “favorite fishing hole”? And what would you do if your fishing hole all the sudden had no fish? Would you go somewhere else if someone told you that there were more fish elsewhere? We need stop fishing the same fishing holes and go to where the One who created the fish tells us to go. We need to trust our guide that He knows where our special fishing hole is…each of us has a different place but we are all fishing the same type of fish.

We are fishing for soul…  not sole but soul fish. We may feel we have the perfect fishing spot but God may have other ponds for you and I to fish. We tend to keep using our own sonar to find the fish instead if God’s sonar to find them…funny thing is…our sonar may read there is no fish but we insist there is…we don’t want to leave the comfort of our surroundings…we know this private fishing spot and we gladly bring in this type of fish…we don’t want to risk reeling in a shark or something like that…

Acts 17:24-28 tells us;
24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
OK…so we are fishing in the same spots…we are staying in our comfort zone…we are living in our buildings…and we are missing something vital to our Christian walk… God… He doesn’t live in our buildings…but within all of His creation. That also means that He also lives in the “un-comfort zone” places. It means that as we seek God and His will we have to reach out to those who are part of the body in which we profess…the body of Christ…out of our comfort zones and into theirs… We are all His offspring…some of us are the prodigals hoping someone from home will see their figure on the horizon and welcome them home.

So…questions posed earlier:
v Are you and I willing to live right here…right now? Speak from the Spirit
v Are we going to trust God with our lives? Speak from the Spirit
v Do we need to get rid of the water wings and walk on the waters of this world? Speak from the Spirit
v Are you will to use your gifts, your graces, your finances for the redemption of souls…bringing about change in the community around us and the world? Nothing belongs to us anyway. It is God who gave us the talents and the means. It is because of His great love that we have all that we have. We may be saving for a rainy day but there are people out there who are having a rainy day right now who could use our help.
v Are you willing to answer the call of Jesus as He uses you for His agenda? That’s a question that only you can answer. There is no doubt about it. God is calling us to a new thing…and it involves you and me…do you not perceive it…

OK…synopsis…As we open our hearts and our doors to those who are on the outside we become family. As we become family we can work together as the body of Christ…as a family of believers who reach out to those who are looking for someone to grab their hand to pull them out of the vortex they are in. As we come together the word Ohana becomes our battle cry because no one is left out or left behind. As we help others our focus is changed and we begin to think “we” instead of “me”. We begin to see a change happen within our communities when we begin to define…to specify what matters most.  As we look into the eyes of others and come up next to them and help them in their need, we will model what Jesus did for you and me. As we open our hands and our doors we begin to create a better world not only for ourselves but in our community…our surrounding communities…and the world. We need to work together as a church…as churches…as extended families…as the body of Christ…one body… As we love a Jesus did our hearts and hands will be open to and for others. But we need to have our hearts broken from this world and all that it holds to be open to God’s vision and love of others.  We can start living right here…right now…out of our own little world into the vast possibilities of the Reign of God. We need to pledge our support…our presence, our energy and resources as we live for the right here right now in the world. Then and only then, we will become one as we do all of this in the name the One who is head and shoulders above the rest…who is the head of the church, our hearts and our minds…our Risen Lord Jesus Christ…

We are the body of Christ…good bad or indifferent we need to get along. We need to be stepping out of our comfort zone and meet the other parts of the body where they are…by the way…we can’t be the true body of Christ without them. We all get to have choices in life? Are you going fishing or not…? By the way…before you answer that question…and yes, it is between you and God…I want to leave you with 1 more piece of Scripture that is found in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 7 verses 21-23:
True and False Disciples
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Food for thought…